Thoughts of a rambling preacher

Location: Warren, OHIO, United States

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Things are a changing.

Wow, I haven't posted for a long time. No real reason, just a bunch of excuses. Now that I can access it via my gmail account, I should post more often.
What has gone on lately?

Well, we had to put one of the goats down. My oldest daughter Erika's goat, Mystery. He started acting like he was in pain, and he wasn't urinating. It turns out that he had a blockage, and his bladder ruptured. There wasn't anything the vet could do, so we had him put down. My daughter cried, and sobbed. It was horrible. I felt so bad for her. It is tough, when you love a lot, it sometimes hurts a lot.

My wife is getting a job at the local McDonald's. Right now it is killing her, because she is helping them get ready for an inspection. So she has been scrubbing down walls and floors. I keep telling her not to over do it, hopefully she will listen.

I just interviewed for a postition at Home Savings and Loan. It would be nice to get it, since it is a lot closer than Goodyear is. I would have to drive about 15 minutes to work, versus 45 minutes now. It would also be a day shift position. Right now I work night shift, which isn't too bad. But I would like to get back on the same schedule as the rest of the world.

I almost forgot about our latest critter addition.(actually I did, and edited the post)
My girls wanted to get ducks. I wasn't sure about it, but they really worked at it hard. Then a lady from our church asked them if they wanted two ducks, that she had got. So I found myself out creating a pen for ducks, buying a plastic pool at walmart, and going and picking up the ducks. They are pretty cute, but very shy. The girls seem to like them though. Just today I looked out, and there was a squirrel in the duck pen, probably eating the cracked corn. The ducks didn't seem to mind, neither did the squirrel. So I left well enough alone.

I guess I will type at you later,

God Bless,