Location: Warren, OHIO, United States

Thursday, April 06, 2006

A Dark Day

Well, today I went with my wife to the hospital. Her sister had surgery today. She had to have her second leg amputated. She has had diabetes for many years, and started having circulation problems last year. Last year she had a lot of pain in her left leg, and when she went to find out why, they found out that she had very little circulation in her legs, her left be the worst. So they tried to do a bypass, to get blood flow down to the foot, but that didn't work. They eventually amputated the left leg. We were worried how she would respond, but she determined in her mind, to go on, and she did. She learned to function with just the one leg.
Today we are back to square one, praying that she keeps the desire to fight. If she can, she can make it through this. If she doesn't I don't think she will.

I will say this, if you have diabetes, don't ignore it. Don't cheat, and eat things you shouldn't. It isn't worth the price. If you aren't sure if you have diabetes or not, GET IT CHECKED.

When you get a chance, please pray for Polly Klink.


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